Blogging Schedule: How to Blog Consistently as a Photographer

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Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s crucial for every photographer looking to make their mark online: blogging consistency. Keeping a steady content schedule can seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re wearing all of the hats in your business.

But, as bloggers ourselves who have also helped other photographers grow their own blogs, we’re here to share practical tips and insights to help you maintain a consistent blogging routine, helping to ensure your online presence remains strong.

Tips for Blogging Consistently

Set Realistic Goals

First things first, let’s talk about setting realistic goals for your blog. We all have those moments where we plan to post daily, but reality quickly sets in. So, start small. If you’re new to consistent blogging, aim for one post a month.

Once you have a rhythm, you can gradually increase to two posts. Align your blog goals with your business objectives. For instance, if your goal is to book more clients, ensure your posts highlight your services and prompt readers to contact you.

Create an Editorial Calendar

Planning is key to staying on top of your blogging game. An editorial calendar helps you visualize your posting schedule and deadlines. Mark all of the dates for writing and publishing.

For example, if you aim to publish two posts a month, dedicate one week to writing and the next to uploading and scheduling. This approach provides a buffer in case of unexpected delays, making sure you stay consistent without feeling overwhelmed.

Batch Write and Schedule

If you prefer getting things done in one go, batch writing might be your best friend. Spend a few days at the beginning of the month writing all your posts, then schedule them for publication.

This set it and forget it method ensures your blog remains active even during your busiest times. Most blogging platforms will allow you to schedule posts in advance, making the process seamless.

Repurpose Content

Why reinvent the wheel? Repurpose content you’ve already created to save time and effort. Transform detailed social media captions into blog posts or expand on FAQs from your website. This not only eases the writing process but also ensures your content is consistent across different platforms.

Once your blog post is live, repurpose it into social media posts, newsletters, or even video content. This strategy maximizes your content’s reach and impact.

Utilizing Blogging Services

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, blogging consistently can feel overwhelming. That’s where services like Back Pocket Blogger come in.

With a quick turnaround, you can have fully written posts ready to publish, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Outsourcing your blogging can be a game-changer, ensuring your blog remains active and engaging without adding to your workload.

Final Thoughts on a Blogging Schedule

Consistency is at the foundation of a successful blog. By setting realistic goals, planning ahead with an editorial calendar, and repurposing content, you can maintain a steady flow of posts that resonate with your audience.

And if you want to dedicate time and energy to blogging but just don’t have the space with everything else you do for your business, you can click here to learn more about Back Pocket Blogger and how we can help take those ideas in your head that you just can’t get around to and transform them into fully written blog post sent straight to your inbox.

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Krystianna Pietrzak


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